How to teach a dressage horse. First steps

First of all, I will tell you a bit more about dressage or training, which is one of the equestrian Olympic disciplines. In this specialty plays a very important role the connection between the rider and the dressage horse, since together they have to perform movements of great difficulty and, therefore, they need a good previous training.
The movements consist of moving sideways, turning on themselves or changing their stride at a gallop and perform moves of important difficulty, to this must be added that they are performed on a track of 20 x 60 meters and observed at all times by the judges, Which adds a plus of difficulty. It is very important that the horse perform the movements with harmony, lightness and ease. For this, horse and rider must form a perfect union.
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When can I start training my horse?

To start teaching a dressage horse there is no concrete age to start. Usually it is at 3 years, although this depends largely on the figure of the horse as some may take longer than others to be prepared physically. It is best to consult with your veterinary, who will be the best to tell you in what physical condition the horse is. In any case, the first year of training is for the horse to take form and contact.
The initial work is fundamental. You have to spend a lot of time on the lunge and long reining, because it will improve the horses physique and the horse learn more easily in the riding after. There are also external aids in which we can rely on your training as the lunging reins. While its success depends largely on the horse and how we apply them, we should not obsess over a single system.
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The next thing is to have patience. You do not have to run in training. Better to go slowly and with good lyrics so that the horse can get confidence and safety in his movements. At least until the age of five we have to be patient with him, the age from which we will begin to be more demanding.
With training, the dressage horse will become a rational, methodical and balanced animal, becoming an athlete at the disposal of his rider, he must become calm, elastic, agile and flexible, but also confident, attentive and determined. To form a perfect set with his rider.

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